
How to Lose Weight Before your Destination Wedding

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Everyone wants to look great on their wedding day, and for many this may mean losing a few pounds. Unfortunately, losing weight before a destination wedding is harder than it sounds, as the stress and pressure of planning a wedding can make it harder to lose weight, unless you are someone that stops eating when you get stressed. In fact, weight gain is very common on the run up to a wedding even in the face of calorie counting. There are a few things you can do to make sure that you stay on track and look your best in your wedding attire.

Take a look at our top tips for how to lose weight before your destination wedding:

Alternatives to the gym

Joining a gym or finding a love for crossfit is not a necessity if you’re planning on losing weight before your big day (of course, it won’t hurt and can bring great results). As it is, you probably will be thinking there are not enough hours in the day to get ready for your destination wedding, and so, adding gym time to your schedule is probably not realistic. There are some really great alternatives, though:

  • Take the stairs when you’re at work or out and about. Not only will this firm your derriere, but taking the stairs are a great calorie burner!
  • Walk to and from your destinations as much as possible, or park some distance away from wherever you’re going to. A brisk stroll will get your metabolism moving, but it will also allow you time to think! Get a “talk to text” app so that you can jot down notes while you walk.

Controlling your calorie intake

Following a very strict diet will not help your stress levels so focus on making healthy choices and tracking your intake (without judging) so that you can mitigate slip-ups.

  • Water will flush your body, aid your skin, hair, and nails, keep you regular, and mitigate bloating. In fact, it’s also that case that we sometimes think we are hungry when in fact we are thirsty; filling up on water can cull unnecessary calories.
  • Try not to eat out as going out to dinner will tempt you into eating more than you normally would, and drinking alcohol. Make all your meals as often as possible; pack a lunch, have a sensible breakfast, and plan your dinners for the best results.
  • Let others help with food sampling and cake tasting. Choose someone who has similar tastes to you so that you know you’ll like what’s being chosen by them.
  • Cut out as much liquid that isn’t water as possible. Concentrated fruit juices, fizzy pop, and alcohol all contain empty calories, and though the stress may push you to drink like a fish we urge you to refrain. If you really need a quick pick-me-up try a wine spritzer made with sparkling water or a vodka and tonic.
  • For at least a week before your destination wedding (and certainly two or three days prior), avoid foods that can cause bloating and inflammation, which includes all dairy products, gluten and bread.

Above all remember that your size doesn’t really matter; so long as you feel good in your own skin, and enjoy one of the biggest days of your life your destination wedding will be a roaring success.


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